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目的观察祛风化痰针法联合经颅磁刺激治疗风痰型假性球麻痹的临床疗效。方法将72例风痰型假性球麻痹的患者随机分为两组:对照组(35例)、祛风化痰针法联合经颅磁刺激(观察组37例),两组均给予相应的基础治疗和对症处理,所用方法和药物两组一致。观察组给予祛风化痰针刺法配合经颅磁刺激治疗。1个月后对主要症状、体征进行系统的比较和评估。结果观察组疗效与对照组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01),两组患者治疗后症状与体征积分比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论祛风化痰针法联合经颅磁刺激对风痰型假性球麻痹有明显的治疗作用,有较大的临床推广应用价值。  相似文献   
曾斌芳教授临证治疗咽痹以少阴客邪上泛、风邪犯肺客咽、脾虚湿浊痹阻、实火循经夹咽4种证型统之。甘草汤主少阴客热咽痛,桔梗汤主少阴寒热相搏咽痛;银翘散为辛凉之平剂,主风热犯肺客咽;理中汤合牡蛎泽泻散以通阳气、散水结,湿浊蕴阻之咽痹;清胃散专治实火牙痛,使以桔梗、半夏假道上行至咽,清热肃咽,取“辛开苦降”之义;黛蛤散主木火刑金之咽痹,佐以左金丸,使以桔梗循经上咽,调其所胜之气,太过者折之,取“木郁达之”之义。究其辨治用药谨防寒凉用事,避其郁遏之弊,始终不离“郁”字,其治以“辛苦开郁”为法。  相似文献   
银屑病分型论治浅解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
银屑病又名牛皮癣,中医称之为白疕,是一种常见易复发的慢性炎症性皮肤病,以云母状鳞屑、红膜症、点状出血为临床特征.近年来,银屑病发病呈上升趋势,其初期有明显的季节性,呈冬重夏轻,无论男女老幼皆可发病,目前病因未明,尚缺乏有效的治疗方法.自2000年以来,我们根据银屑病的临床表现,将其辨证分型为:血热毒盛,寒湿侵袭、脉络瘀阻、血虚风燥、肝肾亏虚等五型,对证治疗取得了比较明显的疗效,现予介绍,以求同道斧正.  相似文献   
比较及鉴定超高速离心法及ExoQuick-TC法提取小鼠骨髓间充质干细胞来源外泌体.采用BCA蛋白检测可见ExoQuick-TC法提取的外泌体蛋白含量高于超高速离心法提取的蛋白含量.Exosome Antibodies,Array & ELISA Kits检测可见ExoQuick-TC法提取外泌体的纯度优于超高速离心法提取的纯度.两种方法提取的外泌体电镜下形状无差异,随机选取3个电镜视野进行计数可见ExoQuick-TC法提取外泌体数量多于超高速离心法提取外泌体. ExoQuick-TC法提取的外泌体具有更高的产量及纯度.  相似文献   
韩树人教授谈“哮喘专主于风”   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
哮喘为临床的常见病、多发病,历来为医家所重视。韩树人教授在研究继承传统理论的基础上形成了自己的学术观点,提出了“哮喘专主于风”的理论。详细分析了临证时的分型特点,阐明哮喘发作程度有轻重之分,证型有寒热之别,缓解时肺脾肾各有所虚,但辨证总须与“风”紧密联系,抓住这一中心环节进行遣方用药,为临床工作提供了新的思路。   相似文献   
Caffeine supplementation has become increasingly popular among athletes. The benefits of caffeine include delaying the negative effects of fatigue, maintaining a high level of physical and mental performance, and improving certain abilities necessary for sport success. Given the complex nature of basketball, caffeine could be a legal, ergogenic stimulant substance, which will positively affect overall basketball performance. The purpose of this systematic review was to summarize evidence for the effect of acute caffeine ingestion on variables related to the basketball performance. Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus and ProQuest, MEDLINE, and ERIC databases were searched up to February 2021. Studies that measured the acute effect of caffeine on basketball performance were included and analyzed. Eight studies published between 2000 and 2021 were included in the analysis. Pre-exercise caffeine intake increased vertical jump height, running time at 10 and 20 m without the ball, overall basketball performance (number of body impacts, number of free throws, rebounds, and assists) during simulated games, and reduced the time required to perform a basketball-specific agility test. Equivocal results between caffeine and placebo groups were found for aerobic capacity, free throw and three-point accuracy, and dribbling speed. Pre-exercise caffeine ingestion did not affect RPE, but insomnia and urinary excretion were increased. The pre-exercise ingestion of 3 and 6 mg/kg caffeine was found to be effective in increasing several physical performance variables in basketball players during sport-specific testing and simulated matches. However, considering the intermittent nature and complexity of basketball, and individual differences between players, future studies are needed.  相似文献   
[目的]总结刘桂颖主任运用疏风解痉止咳法为主治疗感冒后咳嗽(post-cold cough,PCC)的临床经验。[方法]通过跟师临诊,分析刘师对PCC病因病机的认识,阐述疏风解痉止咳法、扶正固本法等在临床实践中的运用依据,对刘师特色用药经验进行总结,并附临床案例加以验证。[结果]刘师认为PCC的病因病机主要为感冒后正气虚弱,无力御邪外出,导致风邪留恋,风邪夹带寒、热、湿等邪气侵犯机体,肺失宣降,肺气上逆,遗留咳嗽。针对其病因病机,采用疏风解痉止咳为主,结合扶正固本、清热化痰等治疗原则,用药轻灵,性宜平和,选用旋覆花、苦杏仁、麻黄等,临床疗效卓著。所列病案为刘师治疗PCC的典型案例,患者证属风邪留恋、脾虚湿盛,治以疏风解痉、健脾化湿,方用“疏风解痉止咳方”加味,获得良效。[结论]刘桂颖主任运用疏风解痉止咳法为主治疗PCC的临床经验,立法清晰,用药讲究,特色鲜明,值得学习效法。  相似文献   
Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is a solid-state joining process; i.e., no melting occurs. The welding process is promoted by the rotation and translation of an axis-symmetric non-consumable tool along the weld centerline. Thus, the FSW process is performed at much lower temperatures than conventional fusion welding, nevertheless it has some disadvantages. Laser Assisted Friction Stir Welding (LAFSW) is a combination in which the FSW is the dominant welding process and the laser pre-heats the weld. In this work FSW and LAFSW tests were conducted on 6 mm thick 5754H111 aluminum alloy plates in butt joint configuration. LAFSW is studied firstly to demonstrate the weldability of aluminum alloy using that technique. Secondly, process parameters, such as laser power and temperature gradient are investigated in order to evaluate changes in microstructure, micro-hardness, residual stress, and tensile properties. Once the possibility to achieve sound weld using LAFSW is demonstrated, it will be possible to explore the benefits for tool wear, higher welding speeds, and lower clamping force.  相似文献   
A new scaling approach has been demonstrated for particle size reduction of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) in toothed rotor-stator wet mills for a wide range of wet milling conditions and scales. Compound A was crystallized by a cooling crystallization protocol in ethanol and wet milled with 2 types of lab scale mills and 1 pilot plant mill. The particle size was analyzed by FBRM (focused beam reflectance measurement), static light scattering and optical microscopy. The correlation between particle size and the energy input calculations, tailored for the toothed rotor-stator wet mill, had R2 = 0.90 on a logarithmic plot. The new scaling approach forms the basis to correlate API particle size to energy input in toothed rotor-stator wet mills by accounting for wet mill tooth configuration and geometry, rotor tip speed and the probabilistic effects of collision such as shear frequency and slurry residence time.  相似文献   
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